In many instances there is simply insufficient tooth substance to allow the direct placement of fillings or veneers to disguise cracked and discoloured teeth. Crowning of such a tooth maybe the only viable option, to allow function and maintain premier aesthetics. Crowns can hold together portions of a fractured tooth, support dental bridges to fill gaps created by missing teeth and provide longevity to heavily restored teeth. Some people refer to dental crowns as caps. Dental crowns are similar in shape to dental veneers except that crowns cover all the surfaces of a tooth whereas veneers only cover the visible outside surface of the tooth.
A crown is custom made precision item that is cemented over your tooth or implant to completely cover it. Traditionally crowns have been described as metal or ceramic fused to metal. However, advancing technology has provided materials based on Zirconium. These materials are very strong and durable thus eliminating the requirement for a metal substructure for your crown. Ceramic crowns now are the gold standard in providing the ultimate aesthetic result.
A Dental Bridge is used to restore a gap created by one or more missing teeth; literally bridging the gap. Many types of bridges exist; in essence they are all fixed and can only be removed by a dentist. Traditionally bridges have relied on natural teeth to support them however, with advances in science and technology Facio Dental can now offer implant, supported bridges, with the advantage of spanning larger gaps. Traditional bridges involve preparation of the supporting teeth to receive a crown; the gap is closed upon cementation of the final bridge with a life like ceramic pontic.